Knowledge and attitude, practice of DM complication among diabetic patients
This paper described cross sectional study conducted in Aldaw hajoj health center (Omdurman locality) during period September / October 2019. The study subject were 150 diabetic patients recruited to access knowledge , attitude and practice of patient towards diabetic complication.
Methods : structure questionnaire were used to collect data .Data analysis done by SPSS version 22.
Results :
The study revealed female were more than male (59.3%)(39.7%) . Acute complication (hypoglycemia)as dizziness, sweating and palpitation were known by 75.5% ,54.3% ,57%, of patients respectively . Nearly 69% showed knowledge of rigor, only24% had poor knowledge about coma.
Nearly 78.8% had knowledge of neuropathy affect foot sensation, and 22.5% experienced knowledge about retinopathy may cause blindness ,while 63.6% showed knowledge of nephropathy that affect kidney . Regarding Their attitude only 48.3% and 29.1% show positive attitude as giving sweaty or sugar, giving sweaty intake and attend hospital respectively. By reviewing the practice of the patients about 88.7% showed adherence to drugs intake while 59.6% showed diet control .
Education sessions by heath care providers and mangers is required to raise knowledge and attitude of diabetic patients.
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