Introduction: Work stress, anxiety and depression are problems that generate negative consequences for nurses, even more if these are maximized by the pandemic, affecting their physical and mental health as well as the quality of care service. Objective: To evaluate the scientific production regarding work stress, anxiety and depression in Latin American nurses in the COVID-19 pandemic’s context. Methods: An integrative review was carried out in PubMed, SciELO, BVS and Google Scholar databases referring to studies published from March 2020 to June 2021, in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Results: 15 articles were selected that met the inclusion criteria, which were carried out in nurses and health personnel where nurses were included. The analysis made it possible to organize the results into two categories: (I) Risk factors associated with stress, anxiety and depression (II) levels of work stress, anxiety, and depression. Discussion: the pandemic has made this reality visible, necessary to investigate and promote strategies for physical and mental health care of nurses, as well as the generation of government policies that recognize and promote nurses health and work safety on Latin America. Conclusions: Nurses work stress, anxiety and depression are topics needed to be analyzed, given the implication that these have on their mental health and the role that nurses play within health systems.
Keywords: job stress, anxiety, depression, nurse, pandemic, COVID-19.
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