Progressive Response of India against the Global Pandemic (COVID-19) Positive Impact and Challenging Responses: A Systematic Review

Jyoti Upadhyay (1) , Shraddha Arya (2)
(1) Head of Department, School of Study in Sociology and Social Work, Vikram University Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh , India
(2) Head of Department, Social Work, Balkavi Bairagi Mahavidhyalaya, Neemuch, Madhya Pradesh , India


A new strain of coronavirus named severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has overwhelmed the world with its rapid
spread and high number of cases. SARS-CoV-2 causes COVID-19
disease which may present with mild, moderate, or severe illness. In
severe cases, pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis,
and septic shock can occur. Individuals above 60 years and people with
preexisting comorbidities are at higher risk for developing serious complications.
The incubation period of this new pathogen ranges from 1 to
14 days and there is no preexisting immunity to the disease. Countries
across the globe have adopted various prevention and control measures
to minimize negative health impacts. India has adopted various public
health measures which include social distancing measures, nationwide
lockdown to reduce risk of exposure, widespread IEC messaging regarding
hand-washing, usage of masks, and recommending avoidance
of unnecessary travel to combat the spread of disease. This manuscript
reviews the global situation, contextualizes India’s disease control
efforts, and outlines the possible way forward by identifying specific
actions under the following headings: enhancing district preparedness,
enabling care for patients, and broadening community and stakeholder
engagement for India. The major gears of those behavior changes were
the enforcement by the government, fear, motivation (self and induced),
and self-experiences or realizations with time. If those changes are fitted
in the Trans-Theoretical Model, Indian people have passed through
the “Pre-Contemplation” to “Action” stage of behavior changes during
different phases of this pandemic. Frequent hand hygiene, maintaining
physical distancing, use of face mask, cough etiquettes, avoid greetings
through physical contacts, fear in spitting and urination at public places,
refrain from gatherings and avoiding outside food are some of the
examples of those appropriate behaviors which were enforced or learnt
during the COVID pandemic.
Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic, Democracy, Crisis, Government
Roles, Public Health, Public Opinion, Faith in government.

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Jyoti Upadhyay
Shraddha Arya
Upadhyay, J. ., & Arya, S. (2022). Progressive Response of India against the Global Pandemic (COVID-19) Positive Impact and Challenging Responses: A Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Care Research and Review, 5(1), 1167–1173. Retrieved from
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