Choosing tests to assess professional volleyball physical fitness for male students majoring in physical education

Dao Chanh Thuc (1)
(1) An Giang University, Vietnam , Viet Nam


The present study has built 09 tests to assess professional volleyball
physical fitness for male students majoring in physical education,
including two tests on form, four tests on technique, and three tests on
physical strength. The study has used many methods such as document
references, pedagogical observations; expert interviews; pedagogical
tests, and statistical analysis in the field of physical training and sports.
Therefore, the author has selected 09 tests with sufficient scientific basis,
reliability, and informativeness to evaluate professional volleyball
physical fitness for male students majoring in Physical Education, An
Giang University - Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City.
Keywords: choosing tests, professional volleyball, physical fitness

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Dao Chanh Thuc
Dao Chanh Thuc. (2022). Choosing tests to assess professional volleyball physical fitness for male students majoring in physical education. Journal of Medical Care Research and Review, 5(2), 1176–1181. Retrieved from
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