Factors affecting student participation in extra-curricular sport clubs activities

Van Tang Nguyen (1) , Dinh Truong Nguyen (2) , Hung Manh Pham (3)
(1) Department of Athletics, Ho Chi Minh University of Sport, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam , Viet Nam
(2) Physical Education Deparment, Nong Lam University, Vietnam , Viet Nam
(3) Physical Education Deparment, Tay Nguyen University, Vietnam , Viet Nam


The research has identified 10 factors affecting extracurricular sports activities in the form of clubs of students, including 03 subjective factors and 07 objective factors. The present study used scientific research methods such as document reference, pedagogical observation method, interview method, and statistical method. On that basis, analyze the current situation of subjective factors affecting the development of extracurricular sports movements in the form of clubs for research content.
Keywords: Actual situation, influencing factors, subjective factors, objective factors, extracurricular sports; clubs

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Van Tang Nguyen
Dinh Truong Nguyen
Hung Manh Pham
Van Tang Nguyen, Dinh Truong Nguyen, & Hung Manh Pham. (2022). Factors affecting student participation in extra-curricular sport clubs activities. Journal of Medical Care Research and Review, 5(3), 1182–1189. Retrieved from http://mcrr.info/index.php/mcrr/article/view/213
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