Correlation of physical activities and life quality in elderly

Minh Xuan Huong Nguyen (1) , Chanh Thuc Dao (2) , Tien Trung Doan (3)
(1) Van Hien University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam , Viet Nam
(2) An Giang University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam , Viet Nam
(3) Department of Physical Education, Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, Vietnam , Viet Nam


This article considers the correlation between life quality and physical activities in the elderly. The author, using Scopus database search, Clarivate Analytics, and Google Scholar, identified 10 studies that met the criteria for this study, with a total number of participants (n = 2466). This study uses Microsoft Excel and SPSS 20.0 software to analyze consider affect level weighted average of life quality and physical activities. Aim to achieve life quality and physical activities of the elderly (over 65 years old). The primary outcome of this study that determined effect in 10 studies was 0.256 (Fisher's Z = 4,739, with reliability p < 0.001), which confirms that participation in physical activities has a positive effect on life quality in the elderly. At the same time, this paper analyzes heterogeneousness among studies, with Q value (Q = 75.142, reliability p < 0.001) and I-squared value (82,231), which confirms that studies are inconsistent. Consistency, and also evaluated the publication bias, to demonstrate that there could be no publication bias, the study created a symmetric funnel plot to compare them.
Keywords: Physical activities , Elderly, Physical health, Life quality.

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Minh Xuan Huong Nguyen
Chanh Thuc Dao
Tien Trung Doan
Minh Xuan Huong Nguyen, Chanh Thuc Dao, & Tien Trung Doan. (2022). Correlation of physical activities and life quality in elderly. Journal of Medical Care Research and Review, 5(4), 1190–1199. Retrieved from
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