A Hospital-based Electronic Information Approach: Analyzing the association between nCOVID-19 and 25-(OH)-D

Nahid Elfaki (1) , Abdullah Aedh (2) , Aida Alginawi (3)
(1) Najran University , Saudi Arabia
(2) , Saudi Arabia
(3) , Saudi Arabia


Background: nCOVID-19 is portrayed by obvious fluctuations in terms of symptomatic severity. Recently, 25-(OH)-D has been suggested as a potential factor in determining nCOVID-19 severity. This survey aimed to study the relationship between serum level of 25-hydroxyvitamin-D (25-(OH)-D) and nCOVID-19 severity. Methodology: A hospital-based electronic information approach was utilized at Najran Hospitals for ten months. Participants were nCOVID-19 diagnosed patients. Subjects' demographic characteristics and clinical outcomes were obtained from the hospitals' electronic records. Results: 134 subjects' electronic data were obtained and used in the current survey. The mean age of the sample was 41.6±13.9; among them, 71(53%) were males. 91(67.9%) of the studied subjects were either asymptomatic or had mild symptoms that refer to the group (1). At the same time, 43(32.1%) were nCOVID-19 severely ill cases and had been admitted to ICUs who were group (2). Prevalence of serum 25-(OH)-D Deficiency, Insufficiently, and Adequate according to gender (females vs. males) was (32% vs. 16%), (42% vs. 22%) and (25% vs. 62%) respectively. A statistically significant difference was observed in gender and mean age regarding nCOVID-19 severity. Moreover, a significant difference was noticed between the mean± SD of serum 25-[OH]-D levels among the two groups were 38.66 ±12.9 vs. 32.09± 9.57) in favor of group 1. Conclusion: Our findings revealed that sera 25-(OH)-D is potentially correlated with the severity of the nCOVID-19 pandemic.   


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Elfaki, N., Aedh, A., & Alginawi, A. (2022). A Hospital-based Electronic Information Approach: Analyzing the association between nCOVID-19 and 25-(OH)-D . Journal of Medical Care Research and Review, 5(8), 1257–1266. Retrieved from http://mcrr.info/index.php/mcrr/article/view/225
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