Left Subclavian Artery - Does It Need Attention During TEVAR For Blunt Traumatic Aortic Injury

Sivakumar Krishnasamy (1) , Ong Hao Siang (2) , Ahmad Rafizi Hariz Ramli (3) , Nur Adura Yaakup (4) , Norshazriman Sulaiman (5) , Ramesh Singh (6) , Raja Amin Raja Mokhtar (7)
(1) Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery , Department of Surgery , Faculty of Medicine , University Malaya , Malaysia
(2) Faculty of Medicine , University Malaya , Malaysia
(3) Vascular Unit , Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya , Malaysia
(4) Interventional Radiology , Department of Radiology, University Malaya , Malaysia
(5) Interventional Radiology , Department of Radiology, University Malaya , Malaysia
(6) Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine , University of Malaya , Malaysia
(7) Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery , Department of Surgery , Faculty of Medicine , University Malaya , Malaysia


Introduction: Endovascular treatment for Blunt Thoracic Aortic Injury is currently an emerging alternative as compared to traditional open repair due to superior outcomes in terms of mortality and morbidity. However, the decision to revascularize the left subclavian artery remains controversial in cases requiring the coverage of the left subclavian artery. We report our experience with endovascular stent-graft repair for blunt traumatic thoracic aorta injury.

Methods: Medical records from 11 patients who underwent Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR) for Blunt Thoracic Aortic Injury (BTAI) between January 2017 to April 2019 were analysed

Results: Among the 11 patients who sustained BTAI, 10 of them have been caused by motor vehicle accidents with the exception of 1 patient who sustained a fall from height. The mean Injury Severity Score is 32.72. Time elapsed between injury and TEVAR ranged between 13 hours and 321.17 hours with a mean of 73.47 hours and a median of 31.5 hours. Technical success rate was 100%. The left subclavian artery (LSA) was covered in 6 patients while the rest had partially covered LSA to achieve adequate proximal landing zone. None of our patients had experience upper limb ischaemia. Two patients developed a cerebrovascular accident, while a Type 1a endo-leak was seen in 1 patient. One patient underwent revascularization of the LSA due to atretic right vertebral artery. The mortality rate was (2/11) however the deaths were unrelated to TEVAR. Mean follow up was 8.88 months with a range of 1 to 23 months.


Conclusions: We concluded that TEVAR is a safe and viable option to treat blunt thoracic aortic repair within our inherently young patient sample. LSA could be safely covered in TEVAR without preoperative revascularization as long as of contraindications such as atretic right vertebral artery or aberrations of the left vertebral artery anatomy are ruled out in preoperative CT angiogram.

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Sivakumar Krishnasamy
Ong Hao Siang
Ahmad Rafizi Hariz Ramli
Nur Adura Yaakup
Norshazriman Sulaiman
Ramesh Singh
Raja Amin Raja Mokhtar
Author Biographies

Sivakumar Krishnasamy, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery , Department of Surgery , Faculty of Medicine , University Malaya

Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery , Department of Surgery , Faculty of Medicine , University Malaya

Ong Hao Siang, Faculty of Medicine , University Malaya

Faculty of Medicine , University Malaya

Ahmad Rafizi Hariz Ramli, Vascular Unit , Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya

Vascular Unit , Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya

Nur Adura Yaakup, Interventional Radiology , Department of Radiology, University Malaya

Interventional Radiology , Department of Radiology, University Malaya

Norshazriman Sulaiman, Interventional Radiology , Department of Radiology, University Malaya

Interventional Radiology , Department of Radiology, University Malaya

Ramesh Singh, Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine , University of Malaya

Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine , University of Malaya

Raja Amin Raja Mokhtar, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery , Department of Surgery , Faculty of Medicine , University Malaya

Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery , Department of Surgery , Faculty of Medicine , University Malaya

Krishnasamy, S. ., Siang, O. H. ., Hariz Ramli, A. R. ., Yaakup, N. A. ., Sulaiman, N. ., Singh, R. ., & Mokhtar, R. A. R. . (2020). Left Subclavian Artery - Does It Need Attention During TEVAR For Blunt Traumatic Aortic Injury. Journal of Medical Care Research and Review, 3(5), 359–364. https://doi.org/10.15520/mcrr.v3i5.96
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