Economic culture for health educational managers

Fé Fernández Hernández (1) , Efraín Sánchez González (2) , Bergelino Zaldívar Pérez (3) , Juana Isabel Lamanier Ramos (4)
(1) Faculty of Medical Science "10 de Octubre", at University , Cuba
(2) Faculty of Medical Science "10 de Octubre", at University , Cuba
(3) University of Sciences from the Physical Culture and Sports , Cuba
(4) Faculty of Health Tecnology at University o Medical Science of Havana , Cuba


Introduction. The present Public Health development shows the necessity
to add economic subjects to the teaching – learning process
because of the close relation between economic and health variables.
The economic culture may provide the necessaries tools for rational
decisión taking. These reasons show that the economic culture
upping from the health educational managers must be understood
as a main subject for the managing process.Objective. To describe
the importance from the economic culture for the health educational
managers.Materials and methods. Was made a descriptive research
about the importance from the economic culture upping for the health
educational managers. As teoric methods were used the analysis and
sinthesys, the comparative and the inductive – deductive. As empiric
method was used the bibliographic research. Results. The economic
upping from the health educational managers focus the attention from
the health universities because of the impact from the health educational
behavior over the health educational process.Health universities are
management institutions where the role of decisions taking is decisive.
That´s why is important each time more a better forming in economic
culture to provide a better patient satisfaction across the optimization
from the limited economic resources.Conclusions. The postgraduate
education must support an effective economic culture upping for health
educational managers. By this way the health educational process may
supply solutions to upping needs from these managers. In this way, the
economic culture offers useful tools to health educational managers for
a better managing behavior.
Keywords: economic culture, health education manager, health university

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Fé Fernández Hernández
Efraín Sánchez González
Bergelino Zaldívar Pérez
Juana Isabel Lamanier Ramos
Hernández, F. F. ., González, E. S. ., Pérez, B. Z. ., & Ramos, J. I. L. . (2021). Economic culture for health educational managers. Journal of Medical Care Research and Review, 4(08), 1095–1101. Retrieved from
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