Theranostical Approach as a Therapeutic Resource For Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review

Marisa Salvi (1) , Julia Monitchele R. Oliveira (2) , Stephanee A. Oliveira (3) , Cardoso Matos Silva Matos Silva (4)
(1) Graduanda em biomedicina pela Universidade Salvador, 8º semestre , El Salvador
(2) Graduanda em biomedicina pela Universidade Salvador, 8º semestre , El Salvador
(3) Graduanda em biomedicina pela Universidade Salvador, 8º semestre , El Salvador
(4) Mestre em biotecnologia, professor na Universidade Salvador , El Salvador


According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the
second type of cancer that most affects Brazilian women and the second
cause of death for women in the world.It was estimated that in 2020
and 2021 there would be 66 thousands of new cases of breast cancer
in Brazil. An alternative to solve these problems is the theranostic
approach, as it can identify the presence of new cancer cells and act
efficiently in the elimination of neoplastic cells through nanoparticles
(NP) that induce oxidative stress and cell apoptosis, thus reducing the
possibility of recurrence of breast cancer. This article is a systematic
review based on articles published between 2015 and August 2021,
in the following databases: PubMed, SciELO (Scientific Electronic
Library Online), ScienceDirect, SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology
and Results Program), in addition to epidemiological bulletins were
used, also health libraries of the Ministry of Health and National Cancer
Institute, World Health Organization, using as inclusion criteria: year
of publication, descriptors, journal, title, objectives and results, articles
that didn’t meet any criterion were excluded. Nanoparticles are versatile
materials, as they allow the manipulation of both shape and size, in
addition to enabling the inclusion of specific ligands on their surface
capable of interacting with breast cancer tumor cells, they can be
drug carriers, photosensitive, sensors and contrast that help in imaging
diagnosis. The theranostic approach has evolved to become a promising
strategy in personalized medicine, being able to act as a tool to optimize
dosage levels for each patient, either to evaluate the result of an earlystage
therapy, which allows appropriate and individualized changes in
therapeutic protocols of each patient.
Keywords: Theranostic, Nanoparticles, Breast Cancer, Nanomedicine

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Marisa Salvi
Julia Monitchele R. Oliveira
Stephanee A. Oliveira
Cardoso Matos Silva Matos Silva
Salvi, M. ., Oliveira, J. M. R. ., Oliveira, S. A., & Silva, C. M. S. M. . (2021). Theranostical Approach as a Therapeutic Resource For Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Care Research and Review, 4(12), 1161–1166. Retrieved from
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