Robbery and Murder During a Pandemic

Robert Hilman Girsang, Asan Petrus (1)
(1) Department of Forensic and Medicolegal Faculty of Medicine, University of Sumatera Utara Medan , Indonesia


Background: The Indonesian National Police (POLRI) stated that the crime rate had increased during the corona pandemic. Police Headquarters Karopenmas, Brigadier General Pol Argo Yuwono, stated that the increase in crime was 19.72 percent from the pre-pandemic period. "In February 2020 there were 17,411 cases. In March 2020 there were 20,845 cases (Brigjen Pol Argo Yuwono, 13/4/20). The increase in the crime rate is one of the causes of many people being affected economically in the midst of the pandemic. They finally chose a shortcut to commit crime. Agus also stated that criminals take advantage of situations of social restrictions that make the environment lonely to carry out their actions. (Inspector General Agus Andrianto, 20/4/2020). In the midst of the corona pandemic, the most common crimes in Jakarta are theft, mugging and robbery of minimarkets (Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus, 2020). It has been 7 months since the Covid-19 pandemic has rolled on and it is not yet known when it will end, causing not only the health crisis but also a difficult economic impact on all levels of society, causing the crime rate to also increase.
Case Report: A case was reported where the victim was a male with the initials HS, age 21, the occupation of the Gardu operator. The victim was brought to the Pirngadi Hospital in Medan by the police together with the request of Visum et Repertum and carried out an examination of the body and an examination of the corpse at that time.
Result: On external examination: There were bruises on the corpse in the neck, back, waist, buttocks that did not disappear on compression. stiff corpses on the face, neck, upper and lower limbs of the volunteers. There was a fine white foam that was difficult to break in both nostrils. blisters on the forehead, cheeks, chin, lips and upper limbs. Open sores were found on the left chest and left armpit. There were pale colors on the eyelids, lips, and the tips of the fingers and toes.
Internal examination: Found pale color in the upper respiratory tract, upper food tract, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen and intestines. There was blood absorption in the left chest muscle, left lung, and the covering of the heart. Found blood in the chest cavity. There was a blood clot in the chest cavity. There was an open wound on the left chest muscle, between the ribs 4-5 on the left, in the upper left lung, wrapping the heart, the large blood vessels of the heart leading to the lungs.
Discussion: based on the history of the investigators who went to the scene of the crime, when the victim went to work on a motorbike, suddenly was stopped by a stranger and asked for his motorbike by force but the victim fought back so that the perpetrator stabbed the victim in the chest until the victim collapsed.
Conclusion: The victim is a male corpse, known, 169 cm long, curly black hair and does not easily pull out. From the results of external and internal examinations, it was concluded that the cause of death of the victim was a stab wound in the left chest which penetrated between the left 4-5 ribs, the upper left lung, the covering of the heart and the large blood vessels of the heart leading to the lungs. due to sharp trauma that caused profuse bleeding and finally limp and died.
Keywords: Pandemic, Murder

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Robert Hilman Girsang, Asan Petrus
Robert Hilman Girsang, Asan Petrus. (2022). Robbery and Murder During a Pandemic. Journal of Medical Care Research and Review, 5(6), 1224–1230. Retrieved from
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