Determining the Type of Diatome in the Lau Seruai River in Patumbak District by Acid Destruction in 2022

Novriandi Syahputra, Asan Petrus, Doaris Ingrid Marbun (1)
(1) Department of Forensic and Medicolegal, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan , Indonesia


Background: drowning victims are almost always found, because around us there are many ditches, wells, ponds, rivers, lakes, oceans and floods are also not uncommon, so it is appropriate that drowning cases are often found. Diatoms as a diagnostic tool for drowning cases need to be examined to ensure that the drowning case is indeed a drowning case and also to determine whether the victim has indeed drowned where the victim was found.
Methods: this research is descriptive, namely to determine the type of diatoms in the Lau Seruai river in 2022. By taking samples of river water in the Upper, Middle and Lower parts, then treated by acid destruction, then centrifuged and then viewed under a microscope.
Results: From the results of the study found 11 species of diatoms, the types of diatoms found at the Upstream station were: Navicula sp, Fragilaria, Nitzschia sp, Surirella sp, Skeletonema, Cyclotella, Pinnularia sp, at the Middle station found: Spirogyra sp, Nitzschia sp, Skeletonema, Navicula sp , and at the Lower Station found: Symbella sp, Fragilaria, Surirella sp, Pinnularia sp, Synhedra, Coconeis, Nitzschia sp, Navicula sp. The diatom shapes found at the Hulu station are: circular, elliptical, elongated, square. in Central station found: Ellipstic, Elongated. at the Downstream station found: Ellipstic,Elongated,Square.
Conclusion: Of the 11 species of diatoms found, there are different types of diatoms found at each station on the Lau Seruai river in Deli Serdang Regency. The shape of diatoms in the Lau Seruai river is quite varied, namely: Circular, Elliptic, Elongated, Square
Keywords: Drowning, Diatome.

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Novriandi Syahputra, Asan Petrus, Doaris Ingrid Marbun
Novriandi Syahputra, Asan Petrus, Doaris Ingrid Marbun. (2022). Determining the Type of Diatome in the Lau Seruai River in Patumbak District by Acid Destruction in 2022. Journal of Medical Care Research and Review, 5(7), 1251–1256. Retrieved from
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