The Prevalence of Under Nutrition and Associated Factors among Adolescent Pregnant Women: A Narrative Review

Yimer Mihretie (1)
(1) Kotebe Metropolitan University, Menelik II Medicine and Health Science College, Department of Human Nutrition , Ethiopia


Background: Maternal under nutrition continues to place a heavy burden on low- and middle-income countries. Pregnancy puts adolescent women at increased risk of malnutrition through diverting nutrients from the mother to the fetus, pregnancy complications and poor pregnancy outcomes (including death). Early pregnancy contributes to the cycle of maternal malnutrition. The adolescent pregnant women constitute the most vulnerable segment of a population from the nutritional standpoint; in particular the conditions of pregnant women belonging to low income group are a matter of serious concern.

Objective: The aim of this senior seminar was to the prevalence review under nutrition and associated factors among adolescent pregnant women (age <20 years) in Ethiopian Somali region, Eastern Ethiopia.

Results: The prevalence of under nutrition was [35.9%; 95%CI (30.8%, 40.2%)]. Adolescent pregnant women who had changing to less meal frequency of eating than before the pregnancy time were 4.2 times more likely undernourished than women who do not change the frequency of eating [AOR=4.2; 95%CI (2.25, 7.79)]. Regarding, number of wives the husband had, women with husbands with two and more wives were 2.14 times more likely undernourished than women with husband only one wife [AOR=2.14; 95% CI (1.02, 4.26)]. Adolescent pregnant women from severely food insecure households were 7.9 times more likely under nutrition compared with those women from food secure households [AOR=7.9; 95%CI(3.20, 19.60)]. Moderately foods insecure were also 3.03 times more likely under nutrition compared to food secure household women [AOR=3.03; 95%CI (1.02, 7.90)].

Conclusion: There was high level of under nutrition among the adolescent pregnant women. The factors associated with under nutrition among adolescent pregnant were women with husband had two and more wives, moderately and severely household food insecure, changing to less meal frequency of eating than before pregnancy time. Most of Ethiopian Somali region health office should give emphasis on nutrition in life cycle approach and strengthening activities of the community on creation of job opportunity particularly in food-insecure households.

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Yimer Mihretie
Author Biography

Yimer Mihretie, Kotebe Metropolitan University, Menelik II Medicine and Health Science College, Department of Human Nutrition

Kotebe Metropolitan University, Menelik II Medicine and Health Science College, Department of Human Nutrition

Mihretie, Y. . (2020). The Prevalence of Under Nutrition and Associated Factors among Adolescent Pregnant Women: A Narrative Review. Journal of Medical Care Research and Review, 3(2), 333–342.
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