Smoking incidence over the labor health
Background. As risk factor and cause of morbidity and mortality, smoking is close related with labor health. The early beginning in tobacco consumption and the high tobacco intensity consumption are determining several negative consequences over labor health and labor productivity too.
Objective. To describe the incidence of smoking over the labor health.
Matherials and methods. Was made a descriptive research about the incidence of smoking over the labor health. For that were used as theorical methods the historic – logic, the inductive – deductive and the comparative. As empiric method was used the bibliographic research.
Results. A high smoking impact over the labor health determines leasing labor capability, leasing labor productivity and leasing social redistribution potentialities in favor to dependence social sectors no associated to the labor activity.
Conclusions. Smoking saves a close relation with labor health. This risk factor act reducing it value since the epidemiologic, economic and social point o view.
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