A review on more stable niosome ‘proniosomes’ suitable carrier for TDDS

T. Bhargava, Dr. K. Dashora (1) , Urmila Rathore (2) , Shweta Panwar (3) , Dr Tanu Bhargava, Dr Narendra Mandoria (4)
(1) Institute of Pharmacy, Vikram University, Ujjain, M.P, India , India
(2) Institude of Pharmacy Orientel University, Indore, M.P, India , India
(3) Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, Ujjain, M.P, India , India
(4) Institute of Pharmacy, Vikram University, Ujjain, M.P, India , India


The transdermal medication conveyance is one of the promising course of medication conveyance framework, since it by passes the main pass digestion, keeps away from inactivation of medications by pH impacts and compounds present in GI plot, gives a nonstop method of organization at rates moving toward zero request like that given by an intravenous implantation, increment the half existence of the medication, the conveyance is painless, no hospitalization is required, and works on persistent consistence. A definitive target of present examination in light of the turn of events and portrayal of proniosome based transdermal gels of drug has a place with various classifications by using reasonable parts. This item will give unsurprising and expanded length of action, physical and compound soundness, adaptability, great bioavailability for ineffectively solvent medications, works on natural half-life, evades the variance in drug levels, keeps up with plasma grouping of medications and builds the patient consistence. Eventually the patient will give ideal treatment at lower cost. This transporter framework is having the colossal open door in the space of transdermal conveyance, beauty care products, nutraceuticals and so on.
Keywords: Proniosomes, transdermal drug delivery, slurry method, stability

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T. Bhargava, Dr. K. Dashora
Urmila Rathore
Shweta Panwar
Dr Tanu Bhargava, Dr Narendra Mandoria
T. Bhargava, Dr. K. Dashora, Urmila Rathore, Shweta Panwar, & Dr Tanu Bhargava, Dr Narendra Mandoria. (2023). A review on more stable niosome ‘proniosomes’ suitable carrier for TDDS. Journal of Medical Care Research and Review, 6(6), 1278–1286. Retrieved from http://mcrr.info/index.php/mcrr/article/view/238
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