Technology trustat public university in central Mexico

Cruz García Lirios (1) , Gilberto Bermúdez Ruíz (2)
(1) Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México , Mexico
(2) Universidad Anahuac del Sur , Mexico


The pandemic was mitigated and controlled through distancing and confinement policies, but the stigma towards anti-COVID-19 devices opened the discussion about trust and adoption towards preventive technology. The aim of this paper was to explore the dimensions of trust and adoption of anti pandemic technology. A cross-sectional, psychometric and correlational study was carried out with a sample of 186 students selected for the use of anti-COVID-19 technology in their professional practices and social service. The results show three dimensions related to the usefulness, efficiency and use of anti-pandemic technology. In relation to the state of the art, the scope and limits of the study are highlighted in order to propose the extension of the model.

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Cruz García Lirios
Gilberto Bermúdez Ruíz
Cruz García Lirios, & Gilberto Bermúdez Ruíz. (2023). Technology trustat public university in central Mexico . Journal of Medical Care Research and Review, 6(11), 01–04. Retrieved from
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