Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the uniform requirements for Manuscript's Submission to "Journal of Medical Care Research and Review".


Papers should be in English (either British or American spelling). The past tense should be used throughout the results description, and the present tense in referring to previously established and generally accepted results. Authors who are unsure of correct English usage should have their manuscript checked by somebody who is proficient in the language; manuscripts that are deficient in this respect may be returned to the author for revision before scientific review.


Manuscripts must be typewritten in a font size of at least 12 points, double-spaced (including References, Tables and Figure legends) with wide margins (2.5 cm from all sides) on one side of the paper. The beginning of each new paragraph must be clearly indicated by indentation. All pages should be numbered consecutively at the bottom starting with the title page.


The length of research articles should be restricted to ten printed pages. Short communication should not exceed five pages of manuscript, including references, figures and tables. Letters should be 400-500 words having 7-10 references, one figure or table if necessary. Commentaries and news should also be 800-1000 words having 7-10 references and one figure or table if necessary.

Types of Manuscript:

Journal of Medical Care Research and Review is accepting original research paper, short communication reports, invited reviews, letters to editor, biographies of scientific reviewers, commentaries and news.



In the first page, papers should be headed by a concise and informative title. The title should be followed by the authors' full first names, middle initials and last names and by names and addresses of laboratories where the work was carried out. Identify the affiliations of all authors and their institutions, departments or organization by use of Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.).


The name and full postal address, telephone, fax and E-mail number of corresponding author should be provided in a footnote.


The Journal publishes a standard abbreviation list at the front of every issue. These standard abbreviations do not need to be spelled out within paper. However, non-standard and undefined abbreviations used five or more times should be listed in the footnote. Abbreviations should be defined where first mentioned in the text. Do not use abbreviations in the title or in the Abstract. However, they can be used in Figures and Tables with explanation in the Figure legend or in a footnote to the Table.


In second page, abstract should follow the title (no authors’ name) in structured format of not more than 250 words and must be able to stand independently and should state the Background, Methods, Results and Conclusion. Write the abstract in third person. References should not be cited and abbreviations should be avoided.


A list of three to five keywords for indexing should be included at bottom of the abstract.
Introduction should contain a description of the problem under investigation and a brief survey of the existing literature on the subject.

Materials and Methods:

Sufficient details must be provided to allow the work to be repeated. Correct chemical names should be given and strains of organisms should be specified. Suppliers of materials need only be mentioned if this may affect the results. Use System International (SI) units and symbols.


This section should describe concisely the rationale of the investigation and its outcomes. Data should not be repeated in both a Table and a Figure. Tables and Figures should be selected to illustrate specific points. Do not tabulate or illustrate points that can be adequately and concisely described in the text.


This should not simply recapitulate the Results. It should relate results to previous work and interpret them. Combined Results and Discussion sections are encouraged when appropriate.


This optional part should include a statement thanking those who assisted substantially with work relevant to the study. Grant support should be included in this section.


References should be numbered and written in alphabetical order i.e. (1, 2). Only published, "in press" papers, and books may be cited in the reference list (see the examples below). References to work "in press" must be accompanied by a copy of acceptance letter from the journal. References should not be given to personal communications, unpublished data, and manuscripts in preparation, letters, company publications, patents pending, and URLs for websites. Abstracts of papers presented at meetings are not permissible. These references should appear as parenthetical expressions in the text, e.g. (unpublished data). All References should be according to the Author-Date EndNote Format. Few example of referencing patterns are given as follows:

Momeni-Moghaddam M, Matin MM, Boozarpour S, Sisakhtnezhad S, Mehrjerdi HK, Farshchian M, et al. A simple method for isolation, culture, and in vitro maintenance of chicken spermatogonial stem cells. In vitro cellular & developmental biology Animal. 2014 Feb;50(2):155-61. PubMed PMID: 24257999.

Irfan-Maqsood M, Bahrami AR, Matin MM, Khan MA. Commercialization of gene therapy drugs. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan : JCPSP. 2013 Dec;23(12):908. PubMed PMID: 24305002.

Tables and Figures:

Tables and Figures should be numbered (1, 2, 3, etc.) as they appear in the text. Figures should preferably be the size intended for publication. Tables and Figures should be carefully marked. Legends should be typed single-spaced separately from the figures. Photographs must be originals of high quality. Photocopies are not acceptable.